2016年10月24日 星期一

[GAYSPA技師評論] Ishow - Max

[GAYSPA技師評論]  Ishow - Max

There are some cute guys at the ishow. Which I have been many times. William, Ollie.. all have very good service. There are now some new faces. I like boys with slim muscle built. So Max seems to be the right choice for today. Booking accepted. I am thinking what would Max looks like? Is the service as good as more experienced masseurs? I wonder.

Arriving at the location. The manager opens the door for me.  He asked me to enter the room and go to take a shower first. And then wait for Max. So took off my cloth and heads for the shower. Just a quick one.

Max enters the room. He does look ok, slim build. Long permed hair. Skinny arms and legs. We started the massage. He was still fully clothed!!?? Wearing a t-shirts and jeans. This is no good L. But I booked 2 hours b2b massage. So he will take them off anyway. I will just enjoy the massage for now. I told to myself. Massage was surprisingly ok. He hits all of the right spots in my back and shoulders. It was very relaxing and good massage. Someone just can give good massage. Not much of touching and playing. Just massage his way through all my body and back sides.



[GAYSPA技師評論]  Ishow - Max

ishow有一些可愛的男孩。我已經去很多次了。威廉,奧利..都服務非常好。現在有一些新的面孔。我喜歡男孩是精瘦有肌肉的。因此,Max 好像是今天的最佳選擇。預訂受理。我想Max 會是什麼樣子?是不是有經驗的按摩師?我想知道。


Max 進入房間。他看起來OK,身材苗條。長燙頭髮。長胳膊和長腿。我們開始按摩。他還是穿著衣服!! ??穿著T 卹和牛仔褲。這是不行的L 。但我訂了2小時B2B按摩。所以他最後還是得脫!! 先享受按摩了。我告訴我自己。按摩是出乎意料的好。他命中在我的後背和肩膀都正確的位置的。非常輕鬆,好的按摩。沒有太多的接觸和玩耍。









